The Virology Racket

By Michael J. Talmo January 25, 2024 (Published in State of the Nation)

In a 1933 speech, General Smedley Butler (1881-1940) explained that “war is a racket.” The same applies to virology, the branch of science that studies viruses. It has become a racket—a very dangerous racket. War is used to sell weapons that we don’t need and, in just about all cases, destroy and devastate people who have done us no harm. Viruses are used to sell vaccines that we don’t need and give governments power over our lives that they should never have. As is the case with war, virology makes a lot of money for some at the expense of the rest of us.

Many of us are old enough to remember the fear, bad policies, and toxic drugs unleashed due to the so-called HIV/AIDS virus. But AIDS was small potatoes compared to SARS-CoV-2 and its progeny, COVID-19. Many have criticized the absurdity of lockdowns, forcing people to wear masks and take experimental vaccines. Many are happy to embrace stories about SARS-CoV-2 being created in a Chinese laboratory and being released into the environment accidentally or on purpose. But too many have been unwilling to consider the possibility that these killer viruses don’t exist. If you are also too frightened to consider the possibility, then stop reading now. Just take “the blue pill,” to quote Morpheus in the 1999 science fiction classic The Matrix, and go back to sleep. But if you’re willing to take the symbolic “red pill” and see how deep the rabbit hole goes, then read on.

Virology is no longer science

Unlike religion, science deals with the tangible and the verifiable. Viruses are tangible physical objects that consist of nucleic acids (RNA or DNA) encased in a protein envelope. They also contain enzymes that allow them to do some of the nasty things that viruses can do. Unlike bacteria, protozoa, and fungi, viruses are not alive, which is why they can’t reproduce on their own and need to hijack the machinery of a host cell in order to do so.

To determine whether or not a virus exists and causes a disease, it must first be isolated or purified, as explained here and here. This means separating the particles from everything else that’s in a cell culture, which is a soup that contains many different things, including particles that look like viruses but aren’t really viruses. Once isolation is achieved, the viral particles, or pure culture, must be photographed under the electron microscope (EM). The virus can then be characterized by analyzing its proteins and genetic material. Once its existence has been established, it can then be determined if the virus causes a particular disease by applying Koch’s postulates. If said isolated virus does cause a particular disease, accurate diagnostic tests can then be developed using it as a gold standard, along with vaccines if deemed necessary.

In other words, proving the existence of a virus is not like trying to prove the existence of God. Hey, it’s a big universe out there. Who knows what may be lurking in its darkest and remotest regions? But viruses are a different story. The microbial universe is very up-close and personal. The procedures for isolating viruses from an infected person are very straightforward. And as stated in this 2007 study:

“Viral disease diagnosis has traditionally relied on the isolation of viral pathogens in cell cultures. Although this approach is often slow and requires considerable technical expertise, it has been regarded for decades as the “gold standard” for the laboratory diagnosis of viral disease.”

Unfortunately, as explained in this 2013 study:

“However, molecular methods, in particular, the PCR, have usurped the role of viral culture in many laboratories, limiting the use of this traditional method of virus detection or replacing it altogether…When all is said and done, it is difficult to envision how viral culture will continue to have diagnostic relevance given the ever-changing and improving world of molecular technology.” (see Abstract and Conclusions)

NAATs (nucleic acid amplification tests), which include PCR (polymerase chain reaction, invented by Nobel Laureate Kary Mullis, PhD, 1944-2019), detect and copy fragments of nucleic acid that supposedly belong to the genome of a virus. These tests don’t detect the entire viral genome, just what is supposed to be a small part of it. These tests are never verified by isolating an actual virus.

Back in the 1990s, they started calling PCR the viral load test because Dr. David Ho got a paper published in the peer review journal Nature that claimed, contrary to over a decade of research, that HIV, the virus that supposedly causes AIDS, was not a slow, inactive virus but was incredibly active and producing massive amounts of virus in the blood of infected people. This idiotic claim isn’t based on how much of a pathogenic virus is in a person’s body, but on how many copies of genetic fragments are produced after a certain number of cycles are run in a PCR machine outside of the body in order to produce a measurable signal.

To quote Dr. Ian M. Mackay, PhD, Associate Professor of Virology, University of Queensland, 2019 article: Side note #1: “A positive PCR result does not prove active replication of a virus. It does not prove infectious virus is present.”

Bottom line: If infectious viral particles can’t be detected, isolated, photographed, or seen, then they aren’t there. It doesn’t matter what a PCR or other type of NAAT may indicate. If the actual virus can’t be seen, then it doesn’t exist.

Smoke and mirrors

The fact that properly isolating SARS-CoV-2 (originally called 2019 nCoV) for COVID-19 had not been done was made clear in this 2020 Eurosurveillance study. Instead, they used a different virus’s genetic material to design the PCR test. See Introduction:

“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

As explained in this 2020 study in The Lancet, virologists are losing the knowledge of how to properly isolate and identify viruses because they are now relying on PCR and other non-specific molecular methods. Actual viral isolation “requires both specialized staff and expensive equipment,” but “it’s use has been in decline in the past decades, resulting in irreversible loss of expertise that now becomes dramatically overt during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” which “should alarm us all, as misleading information on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in tissue has already made its way into the scientific literature.”

Even this study in the CDC’s peer-reviewed journal Emerging Infectious Diseases echoed the words of The Lancet: (see Conclusions)

“For decades, the combination of the classical techniques of virus isolation in tissue culture and examination by EM has been critical in detection of previously unrecognized viruses…There is a continuing need to train younger scientists in these traditional methods to maintain an underlying expertise. In particular, with EM, the electron microscopist needs to be able to differentiate between infectious agents and artifacts or look-alike structures.”

This loss of knowledge explains why we are getting articles in reputable publications like Reuters that continue to insist that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated. The Reuters article even provided a link that it claims shows pictures of isolated viruses. In reality, none of the pictures in that link are of isolated viruses. I’m not accusing the fact-checkers at Reuters of lying. In my opinion, they probably just don’t know any better. Here are electron micrographs of real isolated viruses compared to impure cultures:

Isolated Rous sarcoma virus. Published in Virology, 1961; 13: 227-232. Continuum 1997, page 27 PDF

Isolated retrovirus “type C” particles. Published in Pathologie-Biologie, 1965. Continuum 1997,
page 25 PDF

Claimed isolates of HIV is really cellular debris of different sizes and shapes. Published in Virology 1997. Click on PDF see page 128
Claimed isolates of SARS-CoV-2 from the first COVID-19 patient in the US is really viruslike particles in a soup of cellular junk. Published by CSH

Notice that the isolates of Rous sarcoma virus and type C virus contain identical viral particles and nothing else, while the impure cultures are a soup of different-sized and shaped particles along with other debris. As explained in the Perth study, virus-like particles are always present in cell culture (page 702, Particle detection). To prove they are viruses, you have to isolate (purify) them. If this isn’t done, then error and confusion will result, as reported in The Lancet regarding EM or electron microscopy:

“Just recently, there have been two additional reports in which structures that can normally be found in the cytoplasm of a cell have been misinterpreted as viral particles. EM can be a powerful tool to show evidence of infection by a virus, but care must be taken when interpreting cytoplasmic structures to correctly identify virus particles.”

What The Lancet fails to mention is that the only way to correctly identify virus particles is to isolate or purify them.

Another 2021 article in Reuters asserted that “Koch’s postulates, as they were originally understood, do not need to be demonstrated in order to establish that a microbe causes a disease.” This article is even absurdly titled “Koch’s postulates do not need to be fulfilled to prove the existence of a virus.” For your information, fact-checkers, Koch’s postulates don’t prove the existence of any microbe—they only prove whether or not it causes disease.

Reuters correctly states that “updated criteria for determining viruses that cause disease are sometimes still referred to as Koch’s postulates.” But this in no way, shape, or form changes the fact that the basic criteria still apply. As this 2021 Oxford University Press study clearly states, “Koch’s postulates would need to be fulfilled to provide definitive proof that SARS-CoV-2 causes acute pancreatitis, but the accumulating data appear to support this.” Get it, folks? “Appear to support” doesn’t mean “definitive proof.” And paragraph five, the “Additional content” section, shows that the author is talking about Koch’s four original postulates.

This 2017 study in Antiviral Research also clearly states that Koch’s postulates “has been applied to microbes for over a century and is a current practice not only for identifying pathogenic viruses in diseased organisms, but for the isolation of viruses from their natural reservoirs and vectors that harbor them.” The fact-checkers at Reuters need to get their facts straight.

As stated here, here, and here, modern virology claims that many disease-causing viruses can’t be grown in cell cultures, don’t proliferate in standard cell cultures, and that molecular methods like PCR and other NAATS are finding viruses that were previously undetectable. In other words, they are claiming that just because a lot of disease-causing viruses can’t be isolated, it doesn’t prove that they don’t exist. The first citation in this paragraph further claims that “due to the highly pathogenic nature of SARS-CoV-2, most laboratories do not want to isolate this virus in culture.” Horse poopie! Again, I repeat, if you can’t isolate it, examine it, and definitively prove that it causes a disease, then it doesn’t exist. To claim otherwise isn’t doing science—it’s practicing voodoo.


Like computer modeling, which doesn’t count as scientific evidence and, as documented here and here, has failed miserably when it comes to guiding public health policies, modern virology isn’t evidence for anything. In using non-specific molecular methods, today’s virologists aren’t studying a virus—they are studying the idea of a virus. In the same way, when reading the Bible, you aren’t studying God; you are studying an idea about God; you are acting on faith. By not looking for actual viruses, modern virologists are also acting on faith.

And it should be obvious that most politicians don’t care about science. It’s just a word, a stamp of approval for their corrupt agendas. This is why corruption in medical science is rampant, as explained here and here, and “most current published research findings are false,” as documented in this study. This is also why virology, as it exists today, must be shut down. We must not allow government officials and corporate elites to use non-existent viruses to scare us into giving up our freedom.

I have an idea that I hope will catch on. Cryptovirology is defined as using cryptography to create and improve malicious computer programs. I think the definition should be expanded to include the non-specific molecular methods used by modern virologists. Think about it.

In 1947, Ivan T. Sanderson (1911-1973) invented the term cryptozoology. It’s derived from the ancient Greek words kryptos, meaning secret or hidden; zolon, meaning animal; and logos, meaning knowledge or study. Thus, cryptozoology is “the scientific study of hidden animals.” But it was Bernard Heuvelmans, PhD (1916-2001) who popularized the term in the 1950s with an international best-selling book. Both men are the founding fathers of this field of research. So, I think amending the word crytovirology to apply to modern virology would be very appropriate because, just as cryptozoology is the study of animals that aren’t there, modern virology is the study of viruses that aren’t there.

63 thoughts on “The Virology Racket

  1. I don’t mean to be rude, but anyone who says ‘ If infectious viral particles can’t be detected, isolated, photographed, or seen, then they aren’t there. It doesn’t matter what a PCR or other type of NAAT may indicate. If the actual virus can’t be seen, then it doesn’t exist’ has zero understanding of the scientific method.

    If you can’t detect infectious virus, it doesn’t mean that the virus doesn’t exist, it means you haven’t found the situation in which it might replicate. It doesn’t mean that the virus does exist, it merely means that its existence remains unproven.

    For years, scientists were unable to produce infectious papillomavirus particles under laboratory conditions, since they had not found ways to replicate the process of epithelial cell ‘differentiation’, since production of PV virions only occurs during that differentiation process and not in the more immature, replicating cells which are easier to cultivate in laboratories. Then, hey presto, scientists found a way of using ‘raft cultures’ to mimic the differentiation process and virus particles could be produced.

    You need to learn the difference between unproven and disproven.

    It’s a basic requirement to speak with authority about matters like virology.

    1. The scientific method applies to all areas of science and I’m very familiar with it. If you took the time to read the hyperlinks in my article, which are from the peer-reviewed scientific literature, they make it very clear that all of my statements about viruses are correct. And just who are you anyway? Are you a scientist? I’m not, but I’m a journalist who reports on what scientific research says about viruses. There is a conflict going on in science between those scientists who claim non-specific molecular methods are enough to prove viruses exist and scientists who say they don’t. The data is what determines who is correct and the data if you would take the time to read the hyperlinks is clear. If you can’t properly isolate/purify a virus then it doesn’t exist.Full stop.

    1. Hi, Frank. I published your incorrect comments because of all the disinformation out there of which you are a prime example. The only one who seems to be clueless here is you. I read your essay and it is full of wrong information. For example, the very first picture in your essay, which you imply is of isolated SARS-CoV-2 virus particles. It is not a picture of any isolated virus, but of virus-like particles in an impure culture. A real electron micrograph of actual virus particles, as shown in my article, would contain virus particles and nothing else. And without an isolated virus, you are just guessing when it comes to viral genomes.You need an actual isolated virus in order to determine what its genome is. I read your bio. You are a psychologist. Dr. Stefan Lanka is a virologist. Dr. Kaufman is an MD who at least has a BS in molecular biology. What do you have? I don’t agree with Lanka and Kaufman about viruses not existing because they don’ t provide any proof. But the scientific literature is clear that viruses have been isolated. But SARS-CoV-2 is not among them thus they are correct about some viruses not existing. Your psychology degree according to your bio is in culture and religion and that’s exactly where your essay belongs: in the area of religion. You need to do your homework before criticizing others.

      1. “Everything under the sun has been genomically sequenced these days: humans, neanderthals, fossil bones, animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, archaea and even viruses. Based on this information the Tree of Life, which currently includes three large domains (Archaea, Bacteria and Eukaryotes), has been fine-tuned to a very high degree. Strange as it may seem, viruses don’t really fit in this scheme of all living beings. John Archibald concludes his chapter on “Genomics and the microbial world”:

        Do viruses belong on the tree of life? The jury is still out, but what is inescapable is that viruses are firmly ‘plugged in’ to the tree of life and capable of shuttling genes from branch to branch. As long as their have been cells on earth, there have been viruses.[2]
        And perhaps even before there were cells, they infected simple molecular replicators.

        This may come across as a rather artificial way to establish the existence of viruses. But face it: we know the genomes by now of many visible organisms, from the very large to the very small. That should give us some confidence that the genomes we find for viruses and very primitive archaea, at the very base of the Tree of Life, also refer to real organisms, even if we can’t always culture them in the lab, given their extraordinary life styles.”

        1. Your comments remind me of a social media post. It was a realistic looking picture of some 16th century Spanish conquistadors speaking to a few Aztec Indians about bringing them Christianity. One of the conquistadors says, “If it wasn’t for us, you would still be worshiping the Sun.” To which one of the Aztecs replies: “Dude, the Sun is real.” Point is molecular sequencing is really a type of computer modeling. And I have no problem with the many things you pointed out that it’s used for. But with one exception the things you mentioned are real. However, computer modeling can also be used for things that aren’t real. In the case of viruses, has molecular sequencing ever been verified by isolating an actual virus and extracting its genetic material to see if the molecular model is correct? If such verification did occur please cite the reference. But I don’t think you will find one. If that’s the case, and I think it is, then molecular or genomic sequencing does’t prove viruses are real. I’m going to do an article on molecular sequencing soon so stay tuned for it.

    2. No one can determine the genome of an item that has never been isolated and proved to exist. Luc Montagnier admitted that his electron microscope technician had never identified the so called HIV virus. No one can just point some item out on an electron microscope screen and declare, “this is a virus that causes AIDS.” Gary Null interviewed Kary Mullis regarding the use of the PCR test in proving HIV causes AIDS. Kary was writing a grant for HIV research. Kary failed to find any evidence whatsoever that any research paper existed proving HIV caused AIDS.

      The way the fraud worked is that Fauci, Montagnier, Gallo, etc. claimed the PCR could detect infectivity, which Kary stated explicitly to Dr. Null, it could not. People were incorrectly diagnosed with AIDS, which has never been proved to exist, through a test that can never ascertain infectivity. Many people diagnosed with AIDS didn’t even have any symptoms. They were prescribed a deadly, repurposed cancer drug named AZT and basically murdered in a systematic way. AIDS is an ongoing crime in parts of the world.

  2. It appears to me virology is clearly in its infancy stage if those who study such matters cannot agree and merely speculate what it is. One thing for sure our ignorance is killing us off one by one. I tend to look at a virus as not alive, but rather as a toxic waste product that forms in a body where the immune system is not functioning properly at the moment. No reason to be afraid of something that cannot be isolated in its entirely under a microscope. So many snake oils out there, and they get rich off the people. Research goes on, now it’s in the hands of the people who are dying, or almost dying, or will die in the next few years. It’s because of them that we must find evidence and the truth. Science is not there yet. However mind manipulation is quite active right now. thank you for a fine starting place for me to begin Michael.

  3. “Actual viral isolation “requires both specialized staff and expensive equipment,” but “it’s use has been in decline in the past decades, resulting in irreversible loss of expertise that now becomes dramatically overt during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic,” which “should alarm us all, as misleading information on the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in tissue has already made its way into the scientific literature.” This paragraph sounds eerily familiar – perhaps it is leading up to the loss of this technology – rather like the loss of our ability to land men on the moon …?

  4. But has any virus really ever been isolated and proven to cause disease. ‘Proof’ of the measles virus has been rejected by the German courts. On November 24, 2011, Dr. Lanka announced on his website that he would offer a prize of € 100,000 to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus. The announcement read as follows: “The reward will be paid, if a scientific publication is presented, in which the existence of the measles virus is not only asserted, but also proven and in which, among other things, the diameter of the measles virus is determined.”

    In January 2012, Dr. David Bardens took Dr. Lanka up on his pledge. He offered six papers on the subject and asked Dr. Lanka to transfer the € 100,000 to his bank account.

    On March 12, 2015, the District Court Ravensburg in southern Germany ruled that the criteria of the advertisement had been fulfilled ordering Dr. Lanka to pay up. Dr. Lanka appealed the ruling. On February 16, 2016, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart (OLG) re-evaluated the first ruling, judging that Dr. Bardens did not meet the criteria since he failed to provide proof for the existence of the measles virus presented in one publication, as asked by Dr. Lanka in his announcement.

    1. Yes. I provide electron micrographs of two isolated viruses in my article. Claiming that viruses don’t exist at all is an extraordinary claim and as Carl Sagan said, “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (ECREE). I like Dr Lanka, but his statement that no viruses exist is really off the wall and he offers no proof to back up that claim.In fact he rose to prominence in virology when he isolated two marine viruses. When he was interviewed in the early 90s on Gary Null’s Natural Living on WBAI, he only said retrovirses don’t exist. He never originally claimed that no viruses exist. Again, he never provides any proof for that claim. Hope that answers your question.

      1. This (virus) is the perfect vehicle for deception. No one has proven they exist and it seems to be impossible to prove they do not.

        I propose SARS COV 2 is caused by 10 angels dancing on the head of a pin
        Prove me wrong.

        A possible avenue for investigation would be advancements in electron micrography that is not available in the public domain.

        If classified tech enables a technician to actually see a “virus” in action then that would be proof. But 2 dimensional pics of suspended particles is not proof of anything. By itself I wouldn’t even call it evidence.

        How about an article on electron microscopes. What exactly is their limits. The advancement in X-ray tech (digital) is amazing. Has there been no similar advancement in electron micrography.

        Claiming a “virus” captured a cell, overwrites it’s machinery to replicate the virus is “incredible”. Claiming there is not definitive proof of that statement is not incredible, it’s common sense.

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